Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Atwood does it again.

When it comes to books, I like variety. I don't like to read the same thing twice. I like mixing up the genres - fantasy to historical fiction to sci-fi and throw in a couple non-fiction here and there. But, there are a few authors who I love and I love everything they write. I could read their works back to back, no problem. One of which is Tom Robbins. Unfortunately, he only wrote a handful of novels (of which wikipedia describes as "comedy-drama…wildly poetic stories." Agreed, they're bizarre.) Another is Margaret Atwood. Her works are a little larger of a handful thankfully and I am still working through them, but they include a couple of my favourite books of all time. Some would refer to my most favourite of her books as sci-fi but I prefer the term she has given, which is speculative fiction. She's a witty lady and I like it.

I came across Atwood's book, The Penelopiad, recently and gave it a go as I do with all her books. I had never heard of it and it requires an introduction (literally, as you shouldn't skip that first couple pages before the story starts) as it is completely off the wall. I admire her imagination. Way to go girl, taking Greek legend and letting your kookiness loose on it.

But, what really struck me and the reason that has inspired me to mention it here is not the actual book or story or the amazing ending. Yeah, you could read it but don't wait for me to give it a raving recommendation. It's not going to come. It doesn't have an epic storyline or ending. It doesn't finish with a bang or even include a bang in-between its covers. It isn't memorable. What is memorable though are the small take aways; the thought provoking tidbits that Atwood does so well. Those are what always stick with me. She is so good at articulating crazy ideas.

Here is one. It got me on the very first page of the very first chapter. (Penelope is in the underworld…)

Down here everyone arrives with a sack, like the sacks used to keep the winds in, but each of these sacks is full of words - words you've spoken, words you've heard, words that have been said about you.

What if you arrive in an after life with just that - a bag of words? It isn't important what you are, soul or body, or even your actions and regrets. How much you prayed or spiritualized or the time you invested in atoning doesn't amount to anything.

What have you said. What has been said about you. What are mouths morphing into descriptions of you. What words construct you. What words define you. What words do you live by. What words guide you.

What words will you carry with you?

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

What am I obsessed with at the moment?

Pinterest. Yes, I can't get enough. But, let me take it a step further. Recipes. Hold up! Let's be honest, it's all about the raw balls. Yummmmmm…delicious, nutritious, wholesome, little raw balls of sweet bliss. And, the ingredient combinations are endless! Seriously, they can include every thing from cacao to tahini and everything in-between! (I could be getting a little too excited as I have yet to put veggies in them but hey, never say never!)

It's about time for a recipe of two! In true Alison style, I have adapted each recipe to fit my tastes so here are some tried and tested.

I'm going to say it straight up. I'm not a huge fan of nuts. I hate (loathe, despise, abhor, etc) peanuts and peanut butter. The only two types of nuts I am..let's just say...comfortable with are macadamias and almonds. I stay well away from most others. Thus, I adapt a lot of recipes and use these two choices whenever the uncomfortable word nuts is used.

One last thing before the recipes, let me just highlight a key word…raw. This is an amazing, powerful and inherently simple thing but so under-rated. It's almost like the backbone of wholesome and healthy. Get a little more raw. Geez, it even sounds cool. Before I am tempted to digress, this is one of the best things about these recipes is that they're freakin' raw.

Apricot Macadamia Bliss Balls

300g dried apricots
110g macadamias
1 tbsp coconut oil
1/2 tbsp maple syrup
1 tbsp tahini
1 tsp cinnamon
1tsp vanilla
pinch salt
Directions: Combine ingredients in a food processor. Roll into balls. Easy as that! One, two, wait...that's it!

Chocolate Truffles

Let's be honest, these aren't pretty. They look like rolled dirt. But boy do they taste good!
Approx 20 dates
3/4c. almond meal
1/4c. macadamias
1/4c. almond/chia butter
1/4c. raw cacao powder
1 tsp vanilla
pinch salt
Directions: Same as above!

I don't have a picture for these but again, they were kind of ugly so it's probably a good thing I don't!

Carrot Cake Power Bites

4 softened, peeled & grated carrots 
(I know, not really raw but oh well. Raw might be fine too though!)
1/2c. dates
1/2c. almond butter
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2c. almond meal
1 tsp cinnamon
pinch salt
1/2 tsp nutmeg
dash of ground ginger
Directions: The usual, combine and roll.

And these 3 are just the tip of the raw iceberg! There are so many more ball/bite recipes I want to try! Cinnamon Caramel Apple, Gingerbread, Chocolate Peppermint, Maca Truffles, Caramel Macadamia, Apple Pie, Matcha Bliss...

#yum #getinmybelly

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Love Has No Labels

Love. Love. Love

You may have seen this video floating around the internet in the last month. It's one about love and other things...but mostly just love. And, I love that it is about love. I want to keep the love continuing until the next Valentine's Day…and the next…etc etc.

It was shot on Valentine's Day this year in California by the Ad Council as a public service announcement that "Love Has No Labels."
(The Ad Council is an interesting American non-profit… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_Council)

I could talk about the video but the power isn't in words. The power is in your sense of sight and the experience of what you witness with your eyes.

Open your eyes, open your heart and watch it. And then watch it again.

Love that which is manifested by love.


Monday, 2 March 2015

Emotional hygiene and the self-esteem diet

Today on my newsfeed The Self-Esteem Diet popped up. I was intrigued as it was a confusing title and I wasn't sure if it was referring to vegetables or body image. I was pleasantly surprised that it talked about habits of a different kind - not the usual food in mouth ones - but the choices behind the knowledge.  We know what is good for us; we know that we should eat the kale and avoid the cake. But, why do we continue to eat the (deliciously gooey chocolate) cake even though it makes us feel ill after we stuff our face. (That isn't just me, is it?) Our habits are based on choices that we make that are highly correlated with our self -esteem.

So, how do we build up our self-esteem? How do we create a good foundation that can support us in making good choices? By avoiding some "foods," eating some sparingly and stuffing our faces with others.

What are some foods to avoid?

Gossip -
Think about it. Does it really make you feel better about yourself by exposing others or speaking of their misfortunes? Keep the karma good. Don't give a damn.

Comparisons -
Stop it. You are you, they are them. This includes avoiding comparing yourself to others on social media. No one is you. Everyone is unique. Everyone's situation is unique. Self worth does not equal likes. Look to others for inspiration not a reason to dislike yourself.

Negativity -
Surround yourself with people and things that energise you and make you feel better, not worse.

What to eat in moderation?

Discomfort -
Step outside of your comfort bubble once in a while. It will feel weird and uncomfortable at first. You will feel vulnerable and uneasy but let me tell you, when you go through with it, you will feel a huge sense of achievement.

What to gobble up?

Gratitude -
That is, giving gratitude. What are you grateful for that you have? A bed, parents, a home? Legs, arms, a voice? A healthy, functioning, loving heart?

Which leads me to the next thing I found…The case for emotional hygiene. A TED talk on why we should treat our psychological health like we do physical health.

Why do we spend more time on our teeth then our mind?! Why is our physical health more important than our mental health? What do we teach our children - how to band-aid their knees but not soothe their mind? That cut could fester if we ignore it. Well, so could that negative state of mind.

If you had a cut on your arm, would you voluntarily deepen the wound? If it was on your leg and inhibited your walking, would you walk it off to make it better? Well, why do we encourage people to push through when they're feeling mentally crap?

Why do we value the body over the mind? Let's not. Let's encourage all types of personal hygiene - body and mind.

One last bit of the TED talk that I love. This is what I want to leave you with...

Why do people function below their actual potential? (Yes, I've mentioned this in a previous post. We have no clue what we are actually capable of!) We convince ourselves we can't succeed and then we believe ourselves! Our mind is hard to change once we become convinced. It is hard to break the negative cycle. But, focus on breaking it before it begins.

Our mind and feelings are not our trusted friends. I know, this is a weird and unnatural feeling concept. I want to trust myself but let's be honest with ourselves; we say mean things to ourselves. We talk ourselves down. We tell ourselves we are not pretty enough, not smart enough, not strong enough. Our mind is our moody friend. So, treat yourself as a good friend would. Say nice things to yourself.

So, protect yourself. Change a few simple habits. Build resilience through good mind and body "food."

The Self-Esteem Diet -


The Case for Emotional Hygiene -