Monday, 9 February 2015

It's 2x yoga pose Tuesday!

I've blabbed about 2 kinds of yoga poses before - backbends and inversions. Well, here I go again. But seriously, I am only doing so because of 2 good reasons. One, I love them. Two, they're good for you. 

After sitting in a chair for most of the day, my back pretty much screams at me to bend and flex it. It aches if I don't. A backbend is like a reset button…no wait, better yet, one of the buttons within my reset code that I require daily. Give it go, because no matter what form your backbend takes, or how little or big the motion you require, you won't realise you need it until you do it.

Speaking of a body reseting code, this would also be one of my buttons - an inversion. Preferably at the end of the code sequence for me, turning myself upside down is more of a grounding mind trick to give myself an oh yeah, the world isn't just one way reality slap. Everything is different upside down. I mean everything. Let me start elaborating by focusing on the senses: 

1. The obvious is that um duh, your vision is upside down. 
2. You hear sound different. Probably has to do with how you're receiving it. It is travelling down to you instead of up or across. 
3. Instead of your feet touching the ground your hands, head or arms are in contact
4. Well, you smell the floor. Deal with it. Or, clean your floor. Or, invert on the grass. I love the smell of grass.

Once you are semi-comfortable upside down, you'll notice that your breathing starts to slow and become steady, thus giving you a calming sensation. You'll get a feel good kind of kick. Plus, I'm a big fan of getting out of my comfort zone. Sometimes making myself uncomfortable is a good way to bring myself back, kind of a grounding experience, an acceptance of humility and at the same time confidence. 

So, from all that yoga pose babble, I think I only really mean one thing:

I couldn't encourage you more to practise things that open your heart and shift your perspective.

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