But seriously, I love this idea. You know why? I love sleeping. I love going to bed early. And quite frankly, I get tired of people giving me weird looks as a response to me voicing my sleeping successes. A good 8-9 hours of sleep? That's my idea of a true success. Thank goodness I've now got someone substantial supporting me!
What are the benefits of sleep? Why should you get more? You'll make better decisions. You'll be more present. You'll see the iceberg before the titanic hits it. (Watch the video and the reference will make more sense.) Honestly though, I agree with Arianna, leadership could do with more; our leaders could do with more. Sleep. It will make you more productive, inspired and will lead to a more joyful life.
More present...you'll be more present. I don't know if Arianna actually uses the word present but this is something that I've had on my mind lately. I've come to realise more and more that there is no point in a lot of things if you're not present. Stop trying to get ahead of everyone by being preoccupied with the future. Stop being obsessed with the past. The only way to live is in the present. Honestly, there is no other way to do it. Live now. Not later, not tomorrow, not yesterday. If you are listening, listen! If you are sleeping, sleep! Whatever you're doing, experience IT, not what you think it should be or what you hoped it would be, just it. Turn on, tune in, just don't drop out.
Sleep your way to success. What a concept! I like this lady. Her book Thrive has just moved up my "need to read" book list.
On that note...Good night!