During the beginning of the talk, I wondered as I watched, why come out and speak now? What is the point? Why even bring it up? Honestly, it kind of made me cringe. I was incredibly surprised to see her standing on that stage. She would have been the last person I imagined to be standing up in front of a TED audience.
But, you know what? She is well spoken and has a story to share. A story, I realised, that had never been told through her own lips. She absolutely should share it! She should share it for herself and for others out there who are violated and isolated. She deserves every right to stand up for her shame and humiliation. That takes some real guts.
Almost humiliated literally to death? Oh my. The YouTube video even has the comments section disabled!
What is it with us and humiliation? What feels so good about publicly shaming people we don't even know? Click click click. Numb numb numb.
Let's not celebrate the negative side of our species, no matter who it is. I don't know Monica. I don't care if she is an angel or a skank. Don't tar and feather. That is so antiquated.
And, she receives a standing ovation. Woohoo! You go girl.